Single Herbs and Flowers

Pineapple mint/Ananasminze


Source Source: "Kräuter" by Phillips, Roger and Nicky Foy

improves the digestion, helps in case of headache



Source Source: "Die Kräuter in meinem Garten" by Hirsch, Siegrid und Felix Grünbacher

An astringent, diuretic, tonic herb that clears toxins. Internally for skin complains. Culinary use: young leaves are cooked as a spinach-like vegetable, made into soup.

Buckwheat flowers/Buchweizenblüten


Source Source: "Das große Buch der Heilpflanzen" von Apotheker Mannfried Pahlow

Increases blood circulation, strengthens the tissues and veins, astringent.



Source Source: "The Royal Horticultural society: Encylopedia of Herbs and their uses" by Bown, Deni.. London: DK, 2008.

internally for inflammation, bronchitis, catarrh, asthma, irritating coughs

Lady's mantle/Frauenmantel


Source Source: "The Royal Horticultural society: Encylopedia of Herbs and their uses" by Bown, Deni.. London: DK, 2008.

internally for menstruational or menopausal problems and diarrhoea



Source Source: "The Royal Horticultural society: Encylopedia of Herbs and their uses" by Bown, Deni.. London: DK, 2008.

An astringent, relaxina herb that reduces inflammation, stimulates the liver and kidneys, and is also a good urinary antiseptic.

Rose hip/Hagebutte


Source Source: "The Royal Horticultural society: Encylopedia of Herbs and their uses" by Bown, Deni.. London: DK, 2008.

Rich in vitamin C, preventive treatment of colds, increases the immune diffese.

Elder flowers/Holunderblüten


Source Source: "The Royal Horticultural society: Encylopedia of Herbs and their uses" by Bown, Deni.. London: DK, 2008.

A bitter cooling herb that lowers fever, reduces inflammation, soothes irritation and has diuretic anti-catarrhal effects.



Source Source: "Das große Buch der Heilpflanzen" by Apotheker Mannfried Pahlow

anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, calming, digestive



Source Source: "The Royal Horticultural society: Encylopedia of Herbs and their uses" by Bown, Deni.. London: DK, 2008.

Astringent, diuretic. Externally for minor wounds or infame eyelids. Culinary: Flowers may be used fresh in salad or Risotto.



Source Source: "Das große Buch der Heilpflanzen" by Apotheker Mannfried Pahlow

Reduces fever and coughs, diuretic.

Dandelion flowers/Löwenzahnblüten


Source Source: "The Royal Horticultural society: Encylopedia of Herbs and their uses" by Bown, Deni.. London: DK, 2008.

A bitter-sweet diuretic, laxative herb which reduces inflammation. Internally for urinary disorders, gallstones, skincomplaints.



Source Source: "The Royal Horticultural society: Encylopedia of Herbs and their uses" by Bown, Deni.. London: DK, 2008.

A mucilaginous, slightly astringent herb that is expectorant, soothes irritated tissues, and reduces inflammation. Internally also for bronchitis, catarrh, coughs.

Evening primrose/Nachtkerze


Source Source: "The Royal Horticultural society: Encylopedia of Herbs and their uses" by Bown, Deni.. London: DK, 2008.

An astringent soothing herb for premenstrual and menopausal syndromes, circulatory problems, eczema, acne.

Orange mint/Orangenminze


Source Source: "The Royal Horticultural society: Encylopedia of Herbs and their uses" by Bown, Deni.. London: DK, 2008.

A strongly aromatic herb which improves digestion and increases perspiration. Internally used for indigestion, gastric ulcer etc. Not given to infants in any form.

Pepper mint/Pfefferminze


Source Source: "The Royal Horticultural society: Encylopedia of Herbs and their uses" by Bown, Deni.. London: DK, 2008.

A strongly aromatic herb which improves digestion and increases perspiration. Internally used for indigestion, gastric ulcer etc. Not given to infants in any form.



Source Source: "The Royal Horticultural society: Encylopedia of Herbs and their uses" by Bown, Deni.. London: DK, 2008.

A bitter-sweet herb that stimulates the liver, benefits the skin, reduces inflammation, controls bleeding and heals damaged irritated tissues.

Roman mint/Römische Minze


Source Source: "The Royal Horticultural society: Encylopedia of Herbs and their uses" by Bown, Deni.. London: DK, 2008.

A strongly aromatic herb which improves digestion and increases perspiration. Internally used for indigestion, gastric ulcer etc. Not given to infants in any form.



Source Source: "The Royal Horticultural society: Encylopedia of Herbs and their uses" by Bown, Deni.. London: DK, 2008.

anregend, verdauungsfördernd, desinfizierend, entzündungswidrig und krampfstillend, bei Menstruationsbeschwerden

Lavender/Schweizer Lavendel


Source Source: "The Royal Horticultural society: Encylopedia of Herbs and their uses" by Bown, Deni.. London: DK, 2008.

An aromatic, bitter, astringent herb that reduces inflammation, for menstrual and menopausal complaints.



Source Source: "Das große Buch der Heilpflanzen" by Apotheker Mannfried Pahlow

A bitter herb that stimulates the digestion.

Epilobium/Weidenröschen (kleinblütig)


Source Source: "Das große Buch der Heilpflanzen" by Apotheker Mannfried Pahlow und "Die Kräuter in meinem Garten" by Hirsch, Siegrid and Felix Grünberger

internally for prostate problems, urethritis and kidney disturbs.

Field horsetail/Zinnkraut


Source Source: "The Royal Horticultural society: Encylopedia of Herbs and their uses" by Bown, Deni.. London: DK, 2008.

An astringent herb that acts mainly on the genitor-urinary system. Internally for incontinence, cystitis and urethritis.

Lemon balm/Zitronenmelisse


Source Source: "The Royal Horticultural society: Encylopedia of Herbs and their uses" by Bown, Deni.. London: DK, 2008.

An aromatic herb that improves digestion and relaxes. Internally used for nervous disorders, anxiety and tension headaches. Externally: oil used in aromatherapy to relax, especially in cases of nervous tension.

„The Royal Horticultural Society: Encyclopedia of Herbs and their uses“ by Bown Deni, London: DK, 2008.
„Das große Buch der Heilpflanzen“ by Apotheker Mannfried Pahlow
„Die Kräuter in meinem Garten“ by Hirsch, Siegrid and Felix Grünberger
„Kräuter“ by Phillips, Roger und Nicky Foy
„Die Geheimnisse aus meinem Kräutergarten: Gesund und schön durch Biokräuter“ by Mulser Martha
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